Friday 24 May 2013

The power of your smile.

I really believe this...and it's such a simple thing to why don't we do it more often? I don't know about you but I was brought up constantly being told 'don't stare!' I don't agree with this. We should make a habit of seeing each other, not avoiding social connection. Children look at people freely, they stare's human, indeed humane to do look, to see... it's cultural to look away.

We've all been in the line at the grocery store, waiting, being stared at by a small child who's as yet to learn to avert their eyes....they look right into us...they see us! And they smile! You smile spontaneously and there's a dialog between you...a communication that goes straight to your heart!

That's the power of a smile, it's a gift and it is SO powerful it can change your mood in an instant. Try it! Instead of averting your eyes, see elderly person perhaps, someone no one seems to notice anymore....take a second to recognise yourself in this person, God willing we will all be old one day. Offer a gentle smile and watch what happens.

I have been so touched at the hesitant smile that comes back to me from somebody who maybe lives their life without expectation of affection or care...they don't expect to be seen anymore, they're not pretty, or sassy...they're the disregarded, but for a brief moment they exist, they are visible, and you and they share a communion that is a gift to each. I am certain they will think on it as you part. I cannot imagine they will not feel better for the experience, you too!

Smiling through our pain isn't just a way of avoiding feeling our feelings it's a way to reach out and connect to others. It's an invitation to come out from our hiding place, to be seen and cared for.
We can all do this for each other, and so easily....try it today!

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