Wednesday 29 May 2013

Embrace your shadow

            "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." 
                                                                                                                                         Carl Jung

You may not have heard of Debbie Ford, I just learned she died in February this year...that's so sad she was only 55. Anyhow she wrote a book called 'Dark Side of the Light Chasers' , a book about learning to know and accept our dark side - our shadow.

I loved this book, found it intriguing and illuminating. I am a fan of Jungian psychology as you may have guessed...for me it helps me to 'see' things much more I can understand and apply these principals in my own life, in my own language. After all, understanding should be universally accessible, and intelligible, not purly the domain of academics....there are many ways to know something!

Those things we most dislike, condemn and judge in others are invariable aspects of ourselves that we have difficulty accepting. We all have a dark side, a shadow's natural and necessary, just as we have light we have shadow....we are yin and yang. 

"To confront a person with their own shadow is to show them their own light" 
                                                                                                                              Carl Jung

Denial of our true selves leads to more harm than good. The key I believe as in all things is to throw some light on the subject, and figure it out....make it conscious! If you can make it conscious you can exercise some control over it! Do some therapy....embrace your whole self and take back every last ounce of your inheritance and make it work for you! You only got one life!

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious"                                                                                                                       Carl Jung.

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