Friday 21 June 2013

Domestic nightmare!

For the past couple of days this sickening image has haunted me like it has so many of you, I'm sure. This chilling snap shot has an instant reawakening effect. The sleeping dragon that lives way back in the closet for so many women, opens a terrifying eye and stares at us from our tv's, newspapers, magazines and iphones....domestic nightmares familiar to so many women, relived in every deplorable detail through Nigella's eyes.

It would seem even my own box has been sprung open with the force of this image. Thrown before me, "as if to say hah you thought you had escaped" my own personal collection of vile memories.

I feel compelled to speak, for pity sake, for all our sakes, I cannot let this moment pass with out acknowledging it with you. I must add my voice to the resounding call for action that this event has sparked nationally, politically and personnally with so many people, men, women and children.

Domestic abuse, or domestic terrorrism which I think is a far better description, has played both a formative and transformative role in my life. This is a subject I know intimately. It is with great saddness for my young-self, and my children, that I must own almost my entire life has been undeniably shaped by the hand of domestic abuse.

I am the legacy of domestic abuse, I am it's victim and it's victor. I am an authority on domestic abuse, as only a survivor can be.

I have never written of my experiences before but now I've started I feel a righteous rage burning in my breast. It sounds dramatic I know, but it is! It's a matter of life and death.

This isn't light weight stuff, it's major life changing trauma. Women die! Children are lost! There is no nice, calm way to express these feelings! I sense there is much more to come from my heart and soul on this subject. This is just the beginning...

I grew up hiding my life in the shadows, keeping secrets, protecting those I loved the best I could from the public shame of alcoholism and domestic violence. My young life was selfishly sacrificed to ignorance and fear. I grew up far too quickly, unprepared and unprotected I rushed into a teenage marriage to escape my past only to find myself living the same nightmare as my mother...until I changed my fate and fought for my freedom, body and soul. I am glad to say I have never looked back with any regret, other than that I wish my children hadn't been exposed as they were.

Domestic abuse is a demon, it corrupts a childs innocence and robs their spirit of the vital sunshine they need to grow healthy and strong, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

It's a dirty, dark, dis-ease of the spirit that is so incredibly hard to eradicate we must commit as an entire people, and each of us individually, to do all we can to prevent it getting a foothold in our own homes and lives. 

Domestic terrorism must not be tolerated, hidden or protected or given the opportunity to breed and spread from generation to generation!

                                                              It must be stopped! 

We must call it out and save our children from further harm. The stakes couldn't be greater!

This is no week-end battle for the faint hearted, no cozy crusade for the part-time advocate. It's an epic campaign against true terror, right on our own door steps!

Bring on your Bitches ladies! (for explaination see my post -

You men of honor, defend your women and your children. Protect the vulnerable and fight the good fight with us.

If you need help, click on the link below, call, get help...take care of yourself! 

Men are can be victims too, this dispicable condition isn't  female exclusive. Here is a link for male victims.

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