Tuesday 4 June 2013

Let it all go...and dance!


I loved this pic the second I saw it....reminds me of me and the intense pleasure I feel dancing. I just love music, all sorts of music...and I LOVE to dance, wild an free! I believe it's in my DNA, in my soul. How about you? When was the last time you threw back your head, spread your arms and let the rhythm take you back to your roots?! Try it, it's totally invigorating and rejuvenating...has all sorts of wonderful pay offs! Enjoy!

"Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances."

~ Maya Angelou

There's tons written about the benefits of dance for the Mind, Body and Spirit.

While focus of these articles is mostly around physical fitness and mental acuity, even sociability.....there are wonderful side effects of dance that aren't so often written about that I think we should include here - Make no mistake about it dancing is sexy, it's sensual, it's errotic...yes even ballroom! It's intimate and it's connected.....all this translates into great foreplay for couples looking to connect on a whole other level. 

There are reasons dance has historically been taboo in western religious sects,  yes it's a primal form of human sexual expression and it's powerful stuff! We all have it in us to respond to music, to rhythm, to a beat...we're born attuned to the beat of our mothers heart.

We know these things on a fundamental DNA level, so next time you think you can't dance, or you hold yourself back as yourself the question, 'why am I not letting myself enjoy this?' Maybe that's at the root of this for you? maybe you don't feel sassy enough to put yourself out there, maybe you don't think you know 'how' to dance?! You do, you just lack confidence. Or maybe you're a wild woman and you know the beat will bring this out and this scares you...well it shouldn't, be yourself! You're born to dance!

I was a wallflower at discos all my teenage years, crippled with anxiety and in pains of self conscious agony I used to watch the other girls shuffle around their handbags in their little cliques. I wanted desperately to join in but I couldn't risk being seen and laughed at, I already felt different enough so I stood on the side dressed in my Cindy Lauper inspired homemade satin dresses, elegantly demure, but a very lonely individual. I loved music, it was part of my soul but I didn't fit with the group, I couldn't be like them so I excluded myself.

At the time I didn't realise it was the group that didn't fit me....and that there are plenty of other groups that I fit into just fine, groups where being a little different is a bonus! Once I began to travel away from the village mentality of my home I saw there is a vast world out there where anyone can find a rhythm that resonnates perfectly for them. Once when I was seventeen I went with friends to a conference of Filipino Elvis impersonators in a London Hotel, talk about a specialist group! And there were so many, hundreds! it was mind blowing...who'd have thought? Fantastic!! Be yourself and be happy, chances are if you look you'll find someone just like you. I did!

Many years later in my adult life I decided to learn to ballroom dance. I spent two years in latin and ballroom classes and had a blast! It was the most challenging thing I had done besides break and train a wild horse.....I had to struggle against all sorts of self doubt and anxiety to do it but I found it was the best therapy for my social self esteem ever!

To this day I can't handle aerobic classes, or even zumba, I always struggle and go the wrong way, lose my place and feel so goofy that I quit..... but dance I can do!

I learned I'm a great dancer! I have a natural rhythm and I absolutely love swing and latin. I love to  waltz, it's like chocolate in movement.....a pleasure everyone should try and often!

Now I dance for pleasure, wherever and whenever....it's easy, it's free and it feels soooo good what more reason to you need to give it a try! But if you do need some, here they are -


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