How would you define 'home'? How important is it to you? I think this is possibly much more of a complex 'idea' than one might at first think, at least it is for me.
Is home a definable place or is it more about the people within, or maybe both? I have an insatiable yearning for 'home'. It's a never ending, subconscious, overarching feeling of searching and longing that never leaves me; filling my dream time with fruitless 'house hunting' adventures and disappointment. It's an exhausting theme to explore so often but one I feel so deeply at my core that I really must find out what it is I'm searching for.
I don't have a 'home'. Until I find mine, I truly believe I will be on this quest to find my way home forever.
Do you have a home? Or do you have a house that you live in?
That's me....I live in a house but it's not my home. Home for me represents something much more significant than a roof over my head. To me a home is a safe place. It's a womb, a nest, a den, a cozy space and a place that fits a persons shape, inside and outside.
It's spiritual and physical and deeply personal. It's the resting place for my spirit. My sanctuary, my oasis. If it's anything less than these things, to me, it's not really a home, it's simply a place to live, not a place to BE. Maybe I'm an idealist? Maybe I haven't quite grown up?
I have been without a home for most of my life. The only real 'home' I've known was with my Grandma at her house near the sea in Essex, when I was a young girl. There I felt I could be me. I felt free. I felt loved and safe. I have never known such feelings since attached to a particular place that I've lived. Perhaps this is all part of growing up? I don't know?!
If it is then it's a sad loss to endure. And if that's the case, why do I continually dream of houses? Why am I looking for my home if it's not out there? Is it a real place, or is it like Oz, only the stuff of dreams? Is it a psychological structure? An internal place? I'm not sure.
I'd really like to know your thoughts on home and where it sits in your own personal hierarchy of needs? For me I believe it's the foundation stone, the anchor for my 'self'. Without it I believe I'm bound to my gypsy life, night and day. Floating, roaming, wandering through my life, camping out in places for periods of time, never unpacking and no more possessions than I can carry. I'm always looking for a place to call home...am I stuck or am I free?
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